This cross, which can still be opened and closed, is composed of two bronze boxes that were molded and held by hinges. A thick suspension ring enabled the encolpion to be worn as a pendant.
This thick-walled bowl is outstanding both for its excellent state of preservation and for its perfect shape. It was molded and pressed in light green glass, while the finish was obtained by polishing and by grinding.
This idol is composed of three elements separated from each other: the bottle-shaped base, the cylindrical stem and the standard with the stylized animals.
The cross, that can still be opened and closed, is composed of two bronze boxes with were molded and joined by hinges. A thick suspension ring enabled the encolpion to be worn as a pendant.
A semi-spherical bowl, very regular in shape and without a base, which was core-formed and decorated with lathe-cut grooves, just below the lip and around the base.
This circular seal, slightly larger than the average size, shows a perfectly symmetrical internal decoration composed of circles arranged around a central cross.